Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few of the questions that are frequently enquired by our customer(s):

Like a masterful piece of artwork, the ideal website design needs to tap your inner emotions, stimulate your visual appeal, and etch itself into your memory. The Internet is exploding with burgeoning companies, all vying for that killer website design. Your image matters. Your website text and design speak volumes. Your corporate identity has seconds to impress them with your branding. Your website design is priceless. Your website designer is paramount to your success.

After you placed your order we will be sending you a questionnaire. By providing the information requested on the questionnaire, it will greatly help us understand the kind of artwork and text you want us to create. The hardest part in doing any kind of work is trying to understand what your customer(s) have in mind. As soon as you send us your answers, we will first evaluate your information and assign it on your respective designer and writer.

We deliver all drafts, completed or final text and website design via an electronic mail (e-mail).

The answer to this question is neither short nor easy. With a little research and thought you can find hundreds of reasons, but there are a few general statements that may help you realize your needs. First a website can reach millions of people that might not otherwise be available. Second, customers can view products, services, or whatever you want to share from the comfort of their own home. No matter what type of business you are in, their are ways to grow and make money on the web for you.

You can definitely have your slogan together with your website design at the same time. All you have to do is give us the slogan that you wanted and we�ll do the rest.

When you recieve a visitor to your site, they will instantly perceive the quality of your services or products. The first impression a customer or potential customer gets depends on the appearance of your website. A visitor will be interested and explore your site if it is appealing and easy to navigate. You are marketing yourself and your business to the world over the Internet and it is important to show your best.

No, many people overlook the various products, services, or business processes they can include on a website. Any communication or interactions that happen within your business can be made easier and more efficient by the web. Your business will save money and time while appealing to a much greater audience, the world.

You can download your logo (once finished) directly from your control panel. We then send different logo design file formats and applications to you by e-mail. CD versions can be sent to you by Federal Express (if applicable and depending on your logo design package � certain packages require an additional S/H fee). All files are delivered in cross-platform disks for complete compatibility for third party service providers (i.e.: film/art service bureaus and/or printers). Files can also be e-mailed to you (for larger files TLF may use Stuffit or .ZIP compression). See here for more information on the types of logo formats we supply.

Alas, this is yet another aspect of wonky marketing by logo design companies who try to develop a way to upsell you through misleading (and in this case � weird) hype. You can have as many colors as you want in your logo without any additional charge. In the design stage of your logo it doesn�t matter how many colors are featured � in fact, many of our designs begin in Black and White with colors being added at later stages. It is true however, that logos that feature many colors may cost more when it comes to reproducing your logo on printed material, due to the fact that you may need to utilize four color process printing as opposed to the more economical (and more color accurate) spot color printing. This, however, has no impact on the design of your logo and anyone who tries to charge you additional fees per color is, to be charitable, not acting in your best interest.

That�s actually a very good question and one that�s not easy to answer. There are many factors that go into a successful logo design project, and these factors can vary from client to client. Our designers have pondered this question too, and have tried to come up with a �litmus test � of what makes a good logo though this list remains a work in progress.